Beyond Computer Assisted Coding (CAC): How Autonomous Medical Coding Streamlines Revenue Cycle Management and Eliminates Chart Backlogs

March 3, 2025

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Team Arintra

The Challenge with Medical Coding 

Coding—the process of translating a patient's medical history and treatment into a standardized set of alphanumeric codes—is the key that unlocks reimbursement from insurance providers and government programs, and is essential for tracking patient care, disease patterns, and treatment outcomes. However, coding has traditionally been a manual, time intensive process that healthcare systems have struggled to manage effectively.

The challenge has intensified in recent years. Medical coding has become more complex due to evolving healthcare regulations, expanding code sets like ICD-10, and rising patient volumes. The shift to value-based care has further increased documentation requirements, making accurate coding critical for reimbursements and compliance. Meanwhile, chronic coder shortages and administrative burdens have led to growing backlogs, delayed reimbursements, and increased audit risks.

Computer Assisted Coding - An Incomplete Solution  

The introduction of computer-assisted coding (CAC) in the 1990s was welcomed by healthcare systems, and widely adopted in the early 2000s. Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, CAC tools were supposed to simplify medical coding by analyzing clinical documentation and suggesting appropriate medical codes for patient records. 

Although an improvement over manual coding, CAC has many limitations including:

  • Inability to interpret all relevant documentation: CAC can’t interpret free-flowing subjective text, severely limiting its ability to provide accurate coding suggestions. Moreover, CAC can’t flag or assist in improving incomplete documentation.  
  • Lack of explainability: CAC technologies operate as a black box, providing no explanations for the codes suggested. This creates challenges for coders, especially on complex cases. and also complicates denial management, audits and compliance efforts. 
  • Recommendations, not decisions: CAC only suggests codes—a coder still has to analyze each recommendation and manually accept, reject or modify the codes, plus add any missing codes identified in their review of each record. As a result, coding remains largely manual and as volumes continue to grow, backlogs remain.

Essentially, CAC depends on predefined structures and human intervention. CAC technologies aren’t able to ensure coding accuracy, reduce A/R days, or help tackle the chart backlog. 

Autonomous Medical Coding 

Fortunately, recent technological advances, especially in GenAI, have removed the limitations of the prior generation of tools. The breakthroughs in AI has made it technologically feasible to fully automate coding, even from unstructured and ambiguous case notes. This has led to the emergence of a new category of solutions for optimizing coding: autonomous medical coding. 

Autonomous medical coding solutions go well beyond just suggesting codes and assisting coders. These solutions independently code the vast majority of charts with high accuracy - without any human intervention. 

Unlike CAC, autonomous coding solutions: 

  • Understand and interpret all relevant documentation: Autonomous coding solutions use the latest advances in deep learning and large language models to effectively parse and interpret all clinical data—both structured and unstructured, free-flowing text—and convert it to standardized diagnoses and codes with very high accuracy. In addition, they can identify documentation gaps, helping to improve the quality of clinical documentation. 
  • Are explainable: Autonomous coding solutions provide explanations for every code, making it easy to verify accuracy, and simplifying audit and compliance activities.   
  • Automate coding: Most charts are coded and sent to billing with no human intervention, significantly reducing the burden on coders, even as chart volumes grow.  

As a result, autonomous coding solutions ensure greater coding accuracy, significantly reduce coder workload and streamline compliance efforts. By eliminating the need for manual intervention or review on most charts, these solutions not only help healthcare organizations tackle persistent chart backlogs but also improve revenue cycle efficiency. 

Autonomous medical coding represents the next evolution in healthcare technology—one that delivers both financial and operational impact at scale.

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To experience the power of autonomous coding and learn how to achieve immediate ROI


Coding accuracy


Reduced coding denials


Time saved for providers


Reduced A/R days


Cost savings


Faster turnaround time